Lucas Lam, Evelyn Lam, Lester Lam, Lynn Hsieh, Emily Lam-Ho and Eleanor Lam

Family members and close friends of Lynn Hsieh gathered at Poly Gallery to mark the opening of her first Hong Kong exhibition, Purity. The budding artist donated all proceeds from the sale of her works to the Hong Kong Single Parents Association and Taiwan’s U-Life Association. 

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Photo 1 of 8 Lucas Lam, Evelyn Lam, Lester Lam, Lynn Hsieh, Emily Lam-Ho and Eleanor Lam
Photo 2 of 8 Lynn Hsieh and Jo Jo Fok
Photo 3 of 8 Lynn Hsieh and Alice Chiu
Photo 4 of 8 Sabrina Chiu, Nancy Chiu, Lynn Hsieh, David Chiu and Andrew Chiu
Photo 5 of 8 Bill Zhao and Lynn Hsieh
Photo 6 of 8 Feiping Chang, Emily Lam-Ho, Lynn Hsieh, Eleanor Lam and Antonia Li
Photo 7 of 8 Standing - Lucas Lam, Evelyn Lam, Lester Lam, Lynn Hsieh, Emily Lam-Ho and Eleanor Lam. Seated - U Po-chu
Photo 8 of 8 Chi Po-ju, Jacqueline PC Leung, Lynn Hsieh and Peng Zhaojun