The emerging Hong Kong artist’s first major exhibition delves into the physical and psychological impacts of the city’s ever changing landscape 

Image Courtesy of Edouard Malingue Gallery

Diversions and construction zones are generally considered to be nuisances and causes of inconvenience. However Ko Sing Tung, an emerging Hong Kong artist who will present her first major solo exhibition at Edouard Malingue Gallery, explores the private states of living and investigates through a myriad of mediums and materials, the psychological and environmental impact these major hidden developments may have.

In Underground Construction: Failed, Ko Sing Tung expands her consideration of domestic spaces to more public quarters, using the future high-speed railway connecting Hong Kong to Mainland China near West Kowloon as a talking point. She investigates the physical impact of the project, such as the issue the development will have on infrastructure in the surrounding areas, along with the psychological impact, such as the effect on social relations the transport link will have on the people in the area on a micro-level and Hong Kong’s relations with China on a macro-level.

Underground Construction: Failed
Date: October 8 to November 26, 2015
Time: Monday to Saturday, 10:00am to 7:00pm
Venue: Edouard Malingue Gallery, 6/F, 33 Des Voeux Road, Central