With Mercury still in retrograde, Tatler’s astrologer Casey Chan explains how this impacts the week ahead

Last week initiated us into some big cosmic transits. Although we are still deep in eclipse season with Mercury in retrograde, this week brings a softer and quieter energy. Eclipses are significant times of karmic endings, new beginnings and fated changes, but Mercury retrograde could bring communication mishaps, technology issues and overall agitations. With both cosmic events coinciding, instead of doing more, the next few weeks call for inward reflections and gentle patience.

As Mars, the planet of drive and energy, comes into a harmonious dance with eccentric Uranus on April 29, we can expect pleasant surprises in our lives, the key is to keep following our natural motivation and what feels fun and exciting. You may feel motivated to initiate something new but don’t forget to stay open to any redirections that may appear.

When the Sun meets North Node in Taurus on April 25, this once-a-year transit wants us to take an honest look at our life purpose. If you have been holding back on living your truth in fear of losing “security and comfort”, now is the time to lay out a step-by-step plan of how to get closer to living the life of your dreams. 

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The week by rising sign

Money, pleasure, peace. There’s an inner revolution happening, making you contemplate between material security and living your purpose. Let your heart guide.

It’s time to step up and let yourself shine; the world needs your personality and unique talents on full display. Breathe into your fears of being seen and be brave.

Spend more time in places that make you feel spiritually nurtured. You don’t have to share your dreams to anyone just yet, give it space to grow instead.

Put yourself out there and forge authentic friendships through shared goals and dreams. Remember “if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”.

Try experimenting with soft strength, power isn’t necessarily about dominance. How can you bring more sweetness into your work and public-facing life?   

Whatever your dream life looks like, spend some time to back it up with research, knowledge, and wisdom. It doesn’t have to be too serious, bring pleasure into the mix.

It’s time to dive deeper into your dreams and face the fears that are standing between you and your purpose in life. Financial support may swoop in from shared resources.

Pay attention to the desires that feel balanced and harmonious. Schedule in some one-on-one time with your beloved and share your heart’s dreams over a cup of hot chocolate.

It’s time to claim your gifts and make your passion project your full-time gig (if that feels true to your heart). Make pleasure part of your daily routine. 

Ditch anything that’s too serious and just let yourself melt into what feels good. Follow your pleasure, it’ll guide you to where you need to be.

Don’t be sorry if all you want to do is stay home and wear fuzzy socks. Give yourself the gift of slowing down and feel into the future of your dreams.

Slow the mind down. When it comes to your life’s goals and dreams, let your natural curiosity and interests guide you, you don’t have to have it all figured out now.

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