With major cosmic shifts happening next week, Tatler’s astrologer Casey Chan explains what it means for each star sign

Next week will bring increased interactions between the personal and outer planets. When this happens, life can seem busier than usual, as events pile up to guide us to see beyond our personal views. In other words, the universe is conspiring to open us up to seeing the bigger picture in life.  

On March 3, Venus in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, signalling unexpected shifts in finances and relationships, which ultimately calls for a deep introspection regarding our values and needs. On the next day, Mercury and Uranus interact in a harmonious manner. We may feel called to take up a new routine, or put ourselves out there to meet new people. Until midweek, Venus and Mars in Aquarius and the North Node in Aries are learning from each other amicably, this time could feel like the universe is empowering us to reflect on our self-worth and how we truly value ourselves.

Our thoughts become infused with romance and imagination, when Mercury in Pisces conjunct with Neptune on March 8. This dreamy aspect naturally makes us see reality through rose-coloured glasses, which is not always a bad thing—just make sure to not lose yourself in fantasy land. On March 9, we are tempted with impulsive changes, as Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus in Pisces. If we could pause and evaluate before taking rash actions, life’s unexpected changes may very well spark innovative solutions.

All in all, lots of growth can happen in the first week of March. The lessons may feel overwhelming at times, and it is crucial we learn to remain grounded through ups and downs.

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The week by rising sign

Something may be challenging your sense of worth, causing you to wonder if you truly have a place in this world. In overcoming this, you’ll likely gain a brand-new perspective on life.

Don’t resist the changes coming your way. Perhaps it’s being open to someone’s innovative ideas at work or new friendships that seem outside of your comfort zone.

It’s hard for you to stay rooted within your spiritual beliefs and practices now, as it seems your views are being challenged. Devoting yourself to your purpose will help you feel better. 

It may feel hard for you to accept other people’s input or support now. If feelings of loneliness arise, reconnect with your faith and let your beliefs strengthen you.

Unexpected news at work may be challenging your close relationships. Take this opportunity to really dive deep within yourself. Allow transformations to happen.

Your world view may be challenged now, making it hard to tend to your day-to-day life. Reach out to people who really get you, these relationships can help pull you out of the funk.

A deep transformation may have just happened, making it difficult for you to connect to your joy, pleasure or creativity. Rebuild the pieces by tending to the practical things in life first.

Changes in your relationships may be challenging your emotional world now. Channel your deep and unexpressed feelings into your art or what you feel passionate about.

It may feel difficult to adapt to your environment now, especially after some changes in your day-to-day life. When you feel safe within yourself, you can feel at home anywhere in this world.

A breakdown of a love affair or passion project may cause you to question your worth. The shortcut to shifting how you feel about this is shifting your perspective of the situation.

Chaos may have erupted at home, destabilising your emotions. This period may feel really challenging to the ego self, trust that this is leading you to deeper healing.

A disruption in your immediate environment may challenge your faith in the universe’s plan. These detours are simply guiding you to a more aligned path, even if it’s not what you thought you knew.

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