With a Full Moon in Aries at the end of September, Tatler’s astrologer Casey Chan explains what it means for each star sign

The week may start off with events or people that trigger us and temporarily pull us away from our internal balance, as Mars in Libra comes into opposition with Chiron in Aries. Mars rules our action and fire, Chiron represents our deepest wounds and pain points. With this opposing dynamic, we may find ourselves wanting to act out of frustration or hurt feelings. When emotions run high and life feels overwhelming, take a step back and centre yourself before taking impulsive actions. Shortly after, we could feel the energy open up again where things seem to flow smoother. When Mercury in Virgo trines Jupiter in Taurus, the universe is assisting us in moving things along. Wherever we might have felt stuck with no forward momentum, this is the day that solutions may present themselves with the exact resources we need showing up at our doorstep. On this day, keep your mind clear and be open to unexpected opportunities. 

Closing the month of September is a Full Moon in Aries, also known as the Harvest Moon. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is here to teach us about ourselves, cultivating our personal identity through courage and passion. Reflecting back on the New Moon in Aries in April this year, what are some things that you have since learnt about yourself? If you have been working on honouring your authentic expression, you may find that this Full Moon helps you anchor even deeper into your personal alignment.

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The week by rising sign

Find the balance between the “self” and “other”, as well as “autonomy” and “dependence”. You can rely on others without giving up your own strength. 

Sometimes, we need to pause before we go any further. It’s okay to temporarily leave the world behind so you could re-emerge with a stronger and more secure inner foundation.

It’s natural for us to want to play and have fun, but this full moon is calling you to the more serious stuff. Connect with the fire within—what wants to be built, what’s the vision?

It could be nourishing to remain in our comfort zone, though at other times, life encourages us to step outside of it. Trust in your capability, especially when it comes to your career.

Sometimes we need logic, sometimes we need faith. Learn not to sweat the small stuff and expand your horizon instead. Be open to being tested, that’s just the adventure of life.

You can support yourself and allow others to support you. There’s a burning desire now to let yourself be seen vulnerably, hold this desire with compassion.

Learn to view yourself as a priority. Between assertiveness and compromise, don’t forget that you’re a natural diplomat, so don’t worry about taking up too much space.

The mysteries of life enchant you. Now, allow “practicality” to also support you, a brand-new identity could be birthed through healthy habits and a supportive daily routine.

Without abandoning your larger responsibilities in life, how can you allow more passion and excitement in? It’s time to show the world more of who you are, don’t limit yourself now.

Master the balance between your private and public life. Knowing more about your family history could help you make sense of your own patterns and beliefs.

The mundane and the adventures both make up life as a whole. There’s brilliance in how your mind works, try to see from both your personal perspective and that of the world’s.

Strike a balance between sharing and giving. You may need to draw your boundaries between what’s yours and others’, this could point to both financially or energetically.

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