grace tahir

Grace Tahir releases a viral video that reminds people of what is real

Grace Tahir of Indonesia’s illustrious Tahir and Riady families has satirised the over-the-top lifestyle of influencers in a viral video published on her YouTube channel. 

The digital creator is the daughter of Dato Sri Tahir, the billionaire magnate and founder of Mayapada Group, which has interests in banking, insurance, healthcare, retail, real estate development and media. On YouTube, she releases an array of lifestyle content, including interviews with prominent personalities for her series, Inspirational Indonesian and Iso-late Show. The Asia’s Most Influential honouree is also an angel investor, co-founder of and Medico and director of Mayapada Hospital.

In her viral clip, which was published on March 9 and now has over 180,000 views, Tahir introduces herself as Indri Benz (“remember the name—don’t wear it out”) and then gives a tour of a well-appointed private jet while decked out in what appears to be head-to-toe luxury pieces: a Valentino VLTN T-shirt, Gucci trousers, a Dior visor and, the pièce de résistance, a rare exotic skin Hermès Kelly that she carries throughout. 

The climax of the over-two-minute video is when she invites viewers to play. “My favourite toy is: money, money, money!” declares “Indri” as she takes out a stack of paper bills from her pocket and then tries, but fails, to make it rain. The fun doesn’t last however, with the skit cutting to a sombre “Indri” wearing an orange T-shirt in a stark room, a reference to prison.

So who is she satirising? News outlets refer to influencer Indra Kenz, who has been named a suspect in an ongoing fraud case linked to Binomo, the user-friendly trading platform that allows novice traders to dabble in stocks, cryptocurrencies and more with as little as USD1.

While Binomo is legitimate (it is verified by The Financial Commission and available in over 130 countries), Kenz, who until recently was living the high life with a notable collection of supercars and houses, is suspected of spreading false news and committing money laundering under its guise. According to authorities, over IDR25 billion were lost by 14 victims.

In her deliciously entertaining way, Grace Tahir reminds us of the follies of social media: how the glamorous life you see on your screens may just be false.
