Foodlink Foundation

Every day in Hong Kong 3,600 tonnes of food waste go to landfill—landfills that will be full by 2020. Meanwhile, up to 1.6 million people live below the poverty line and often can’t get enough food, with negative effects on their health

Tatler Asia
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Founded in 2001 by Vanessa Hwang, Foodlink aims to bridge this gap by collecting surplus food from hotels and F&B outlets throughout Hong Kong and placing it in the hands of those in need.

With its goal of ensuring that every person in Hong Kong has access to hot meals every day, Foodlink on average saves 12 tonnes of food and provides 29,000 meals every week. Its work is divided up into a number of programmes: hot food, bread, banquets, trimmings (edible food disposed of by restaurants due to presentation concerns) and products (mostly canned and packaged food).

How To Help?

Make a monetary or food donation; become a corporate sponsor; start a fundraiser; or volunteer your time.