Hong Kong Tatler columnist and resident beauty queen Helen Ma sits down with good friend and well-known Hong Kong actress, Rosamund Kwan.

Helen Ma: Rosamund, you’ve always been praised for your poise and grace plus your stunning features, and are often labeled as a "Screen Goddess". How does this make you feel?
Rosamund Kwan:
I'm very pleased and honored to receive such a compliment, at the same time I’m under a lot of pressure to live up to such a title.  Being respected by all is not an easy thing, I need to keep up appearances constantly.  In doing so, I need to constantly look good and conduct myself in a certain manner when in public. At the end of the day, I’m just an ordinary girl that was brought up and raised from a normal family. Like many people,  I also enjoy grabbing snacks on the street and enjoy having fun with my friends.  

HM: Have you always wanted to be an actress? How old were you when you joined the entertainment world?
RK: I’ve worked in the entertainment industry since the age of 18, as soon as I graduated from high school.  Through the connection I had from my father, who was an actor, I signed with Asian TV as well as the famous film director Tsui Hark.  I remembered the first year of my acting life, I was already super busy!  I did five television series, two movies and an on going theatrical performance of Disney World where I played the role of Snow White.

HM: You’ve chosen to be quite selective with your appearances, laying low and out of the spotlight – can you tell us why you’ve made that choice?
RK:Now that I don't need to work aggressively like I did before, I can finally sit back, relax and enjoy life!  I have to say I’m more selective with what I choose to do, there is less going on but I find my focus is more on the quality of the work I choose to take on.

HM: What is your favourite aspect of your work?
RK:The process of filming is what I like most and enjoy about working. I sometimes travel to cities which I’ve never even heard of, I get to work with different crews each time. For each film it takes a few months to finish, we see each other everyday, work very closely and we all became close, almost like a family. Then when the film wraps, it’s sad to move on but I always look forward to all the exciting things to come.  

HM: What rules do you live by? 
RK:I live by three simple rules, the first is to eat less but eat right, the second is to get enough sleep, usually between eight to ten hours, and the third is to just go with what life gives you and embrace it and be happy. Also, I think exercise is really important, I like to hike and I also enjoy painting in my spare time – it’s even a bit of an arm workout!

HM: Now onto the important topics: tell me about your beauty regime.
RK:I travel often so I rarely have time to visit a beauty salon and have a facial.  So I like to use a mask daily, sometimes two to three times a day even.  I wake up with lukewarm water with lemon drops and I sleep with pure honey water, I also make sure to drink collagen drinks throughout the day. I believe in making these choices a habit, I think if you want something enough and can commit to it then there is no excuse not to do it.

HM: What do you think your future looks like? Where do you see yourself in five to ten years from now?   
RK:  Five years from now I would like to get involved in something related to beauty. I have always dreamed of sharing my beauty rituals to the world from my years of tried and tested experiences.  I worked for over thirty years in my life and it’s time for a change, so we’ll see what the future holds for me.


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